James Wolfensohn The poor people of the world tend to be the places that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups can recruit. – James Wolfensohn Alqaeda Quotes People Quotes Poor Quotes Recruit Quotes Tend Quotes Terrorist Quotes Well the specific role of the World Bank is to be ready with financial assistance immediately after this emergency takes place because you need to reconnect water, you need to reconnect power, you need roads, you need bridges, and that has to be done urgently. I’m not at all sure that Israel can determine what happens in Palestine, the Palestinian territories.
Aziz Ansari I was 18 when I started. I was hanging out with some friends and they asked if I had tried stand-up before. I hadn’t, but I thought: ‘What the hell?’ So I went to an open mic night, and I liked it. – Aziz Ansari
James Gray Really, what I’m doing is an attempt to continue the best work of the people I adore: Francis Coppola and Scorsese and Robert Altman and Stanley Kubrick and those amazing directors whose work I grew up with and loved. – James Gray
Malcolm Fraser Sorry Day falls on the eve of Reconciliation Week, giving us the chance to ask whether we are making progress in the wider challenge of reconciling Indigenous and other Australians. – Malcolm Fraser
S T Joshi I am one of maybe three people in the world who knows anything about Robert W. Chambers. – S T Joshi
Bikram Choudhury I didn’t come here without a visa, like everyone from China and Vietnam and Cuba. I came here by special plane… received by the ambassador, by the president of the United States. I should be the most honored man in your country. – Bikram Choudhury
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