Joel Gretsch The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know. – Joel Gretsch Bigger Quotes Possibilities Quotes Scifi Quotes Subject Quotes Wonderful Quotes I know every actor says this, but the people behind the camera are great. They always have answers. I remember watching Jodie Foster in Contact, and that kind of opened my eyes.
Gary Sheffield I wanted to retire after I played for the Mets. My family said wait one year, that there was no need to rush it. I gave it a year and now it’s time to say goodbye. – Gary Sheffield
Jerry Hall I’m one of five sisters. I’m the younger of twins, and we’re the youngest of five girls, and we’ve always been very close. We were pretty much a gang. I take after my mother a lot in terms of personality and character. She was very positive; always looked on the bright side of things. She had a tough time of it with my dad but did her best. – Jerry Hall
Dilip Shanghvi The Ranbaxy acquisition doesn’t preclude us from making more large acquisitions. The important issue is whether we have the management bandwidth to handle the acquisition. – Dilip Shanghvi
Mike Nichols There’s nothing in the American dream about character. It’s a serious flaw. – Mike Nichols
Scott McClellan If it takes talking about unpleasant truths to change Washington, then so be it. – Scott McClellan
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