Robert Mundell The price of gold was fixed at $35 an ounce in 1934, but by the time the U.S. got through the Korean War, the Vietnam war, with all the associated secular inflation, the price level had gone up nearly three times. – Robert Mundell Fixed Quotes Gold Quotes Inflation Quotes Korean Quotes Level Quotes Ounce Quotes Price Quotes Secular Quotes Time Quotes Times Quotes Vietnam Quotes War Quotes The U.S. berates China for its exchange rate policy, which Washington doesn’t like. But one-sided pressure on China to change its exchange rate is misplaced. The problem started before World War I. The gold standard was working fairly well. But it broke down because of the war and what happened in the 1920s. And then the U.S. started to become so dominant in the world, with the dollar becoming the central currency after the 1930s, the whole world economy shifted.
Joe Wright Blue Velvet’ changed my life forever. It was like I’d always read Chaucer and suddenly discovered Charles Bukowski. It made me understand that there is poetry of sublime ecstasy and dark terror, and it spoke to a side of me that hadn’t been reached before. – Joe Wright
Brendan Myers Perhaps this is one of the last remaining strands of my Catholic upbringing, but to me the word ‘worship’ means absolute unquestioning affirmation of the authority of the deity. I’ll not have that in my life. If you are wise, neither will you. – Brendan Myers
Gregory Porter My sisters started to cook at nine and, being one of the youngest, I wanted in on it, too, so I began at six on potato-peeling duty as french fries were my thing. – Gregory Porter
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