Edward Bellamy The primal principle of democracy is the worth and dignity of the individual. – Edward Bellamy Democracy Quotes Dignity Quotes Individual Quotes Primal Quotes Principle Quotes Worth Quotes I first saw the light in the city of Boston in the year 1857. If bread is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close second.
Jonathan Anderson The minute you see that everything is going one way, you get the hell out. – Jonathan Anderson
Raj Kundra I come from a humble background. My dad moved to London 45 years ago and worked as a bus conductor whereas my mother worked in a factory. We never had it easy. – Raj Kundra
Clarence Thomas I was Catholic. You talk about a minority within a minority within a minority: a black Catholic in Savannah, GA. – Clarence Thomas
Alan Greenspan Since 1948 I have spent every single day thinking how the economic and political worlds have changed. – Alan Greenspan
David Cohen There’s no law that says you have to do what your mentor suggests. And the sooner you learn how to say ‘no’ confidently, the easier it will be to manage these key relationships. – David Cohen
DatingManny Montana People usually spend the first two months playing themselves up, not really being themselves. You waste those two months – and then they tell you, ‘You’re not who I was dating the first month!’ – Manny Montana
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