George Stephenson The principles upon which a safety lamp might be constructed I stated to several persons long before Sir Humphrey Davy came into this part of the country. – George Stephenson Constructed Quotes Country Quotes Davy Quotes Humphrey Quotes Lamp Quotes Persons Quotes Principles Quotes Safety Quotes Sir Quotes Stated Quotes I am glad to learn that the Parliament Bill has been passed for the Darlington Railway.
Mercedes Schlapp One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a ‘negative’ campaign filled with ‘attack’ ads. – Mercedes Schlapp
Romany Malco When I was doing ‘The Prime Gig’ with Vince, we played around so much that the director separated us like children! – Romany Malco
Romesh Gunesekera With ‘Noontide Toll’, I wanted to cater to a single story but also collectively more than a single story. – Romesh Gunesekera
Lauren Groff My childhood was as conventional as you could get. I think I probably created ‘Arcadia’ with a certain amount of wishful thinking. I would have loved to have more looseness and freedom and community. – Lauren Groff
Liz Phair My nails are a disaster. If I play guitar when my nails are long, I just tear them off. – Liz Phair
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