Jochen Zeitz The problem is you can’t wear your old shoes too often because people say, ‘You’re still wearing that shoe?’ – Jochen Zeitz People Quotes Shoe Quotes Shoes Quotes Wear Quotes Wearing Quotes I haven’t been hunting for years. It is just a tradition I grew up with. Some of the greatest stars in the history of football have been under contract with Puma.
Rob Ford I’m not worried about what people do in their private life. I look out for taxpayers’ money. – Rob Ford
Dan Fogler I’d love to do something on ‘Mad Men.’ Or play Peter Dinklage’s cousin on ‘Game of Thrones.’ That would be fun. – Dan Fogler
Gautam Rode I don’t take pressure or keep expectations because then it becomes difficult to concentrate. – Gautam Rode
BeautyElsa Peretti What I want is not to become a status symbol, but to give beauty at a price. – Elsa Peretti
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