Bonobo The process of making music is very therapeutic; it’s late at night and I’m wearing headphones a lot of the time, so it becomes a way of zoning out and engaging with my thoughts. It’s a solitary environment and process. – Bonobo Engaging Quotes Environment Quotes Headphones Quotes Late Quotes Lot Quotes Music Quotes Night Quotes Process Quotes Solitary Quotes Therapeutic Quotes Time Quotes Wearing Quotes Zoning Quotes You can’t live in the times that you live in and be exposed to all the new music that’s happening, ignore it all, and carry on doing the same stuff as you were ten years ago. I’m not keen on terms like ‘lounge’ or ‘chill out.’
Colin Jost I was at Harvard when Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, and I begged him not to do it. – Colin Jost
Danielle Macdonald I think, in Australia, it’s kind of a crazy thing to say, ‘I want to be an actor.’ People look at you weirdly. And when I said I was moving to L.A., I remember people saying, ‘No, you shouldn’t. You’ll just come back disappointed.’ – Danielle Macdonald
Andrew Forrest There are people all over Australia who use their homes as hubs that they travel from, and they encourage their indigenous people to continue to stay there. – Andrew Forrest
David Starkey My mother scrubbed other people’s floors for a living, and I remember vividly her worrying about being down to the last half crown for the week. And I was aware of it, and absolutely determined that under no circumstances would that ever happen to me. – David Starkey
ChangeElon Musk Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster. – Elon Musk
PoetryRobert Hass The Vietnam War and the Iraq war, in different ways, both made me feel like I could not not address them. I’m very doubtful about the usefulness of poetry to do that. – Robert Hass
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