Ricardo Semler The purpose of work is to make the worker – whether a working stiff or a CEO – feel good about life. – Ricardo Semler Ceo Quotes Feel Quotes Life Quotes Purpose Quotes Stiff Quotes Worker Quotes The best way to invest corporate profits is to give them to the employees.
Quinton Jackson I’ve fought a couple different places in the world. I love America, I’m American, but I have to say that American fans are the worst. I have to say it. They can get mad at me. I said it, and it’s something they can work on. – Quinton Jackson
Diane GreeneHome To sail successfully, you need to observe with great care. You need to identify what the wind and the water are telling you and then find a way to execute, to reach whatever goal you’ve set, be that simply making it home or winning a race. – Diane Greene
Jason Mantzoukas Maybe it’s just my improv and sketch background, but I’m a lot more comfortable in a group. I like sharing focus and populating an ensemble. – Jason Mantzoukas
Madison Cawthorn Voter fraud is common in America. Those who tell you otherwise are lying. – Madison Cawthorn
Mario Balotelli I want to be the strongest player in the world and score a lot of goals. To do that, I have to improve in every area. – Mario Balotelli
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