Stuart Hall The question of hegemony is always the question of a new cultural order. – Stuart Hall Cultural Quotes Hegemony Quotes Question Quotes I sometimes fee like the spirit of the past resurrected… After all, didn’t cultural studies emerge somewhere at that moment when I first met Raymond Williams or in the glance I exchanged with Richard Hoggart? In that moment, cultural studies was born. It emerged full grown from my head! A lot of crap goes on in media studies, like in almost everything.
Kashmira Shah Very few people like Ram Gopal Varma offer you the opportunity to be pushed as an actress. – Kashmira Shah
SpaceSusan Sontag As photographs give people an imaginary possession of a past that is unreal, they also help people to take possession of space in which they are insecure. – Susan Sontag
Rory MacDonald Everything I do, it sticks. I move on to a different hobby, but I don’t forget about them. I don’t drop anything. – Rory MacDonald
Mick Hucknall Copyright promotes artistic creativity and the free circulation of ideas. – Mick Hucknall
Caroline Flack The thing about Prince Harry is that he has no choice. He’s not some egotistical rock star who wants loads of attention. That is his life. He didn’t ask for it, but he just has to deal with it. – Caroline Flack
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