Kelly Rohrbach The red ‘Baywatch’ swimsuit is iconic. When I had my first fitting I guess it felt a bit like Superman putting on his cape for the first time. – Kelly Rohrbach Baywatch Quotes Bit Quotes Cape Quotes Fitting Quotes Guess Quotes Iconic Quotes Putting Quotes Red Quotes Superman Quotes Swimsuit Quotes Time Quotes I love ‘Arrested Development’ and ‘Veep’ and I love Louis C.K. – I love the ‘Louie’ show, it’s great. I’m an L.A. girl, a Cali girl – a Cali girl from Connecticut.
Susanna Kearsley I once walked through an exhibit in a large American museum that displayed First Nations artifacts in old dioramas, with mannequins that hadn’t been changed since the 19th century. – Susanna Kearsley
Hideo Kojima Many people are taking 2D games and making them into 3D games by recreating the characters in polygons. But the gameplay’s still the same, and that’s not what they should be doing. – Hideo Kojima
Louis C K The thing is, comedy’s gone in a weird direction. People are really into ironic comedy and fakeness and cleverness. – Louis C K
Adam CurtisComputers In our age of individualism, we see computers as ways through which we can express our individuality. But the truth is that the computers are really good at spotting the very opposite. The computers can see how similar we are, and they then have the ability to agglomerate us together into groups that have the same behaviours. – Adam Curtis
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