Sheldon Whitehouse The science-denial machinery is a serious adversary, and it has a big advantage over real science: it does not need to win its dispute with real science; it just needs to create a public illusion that there is a dispute. – Sheldon Whitehouse Advantage Quotes Adversary Quotes Create Quotes Dispute Quotes Illusion Quotes Machinery Quotes Public Quotes Real Quotes Science Quotes Sciencedenial Quotes Win Quotes The ‘Wall Street Journal’ is quite irate that I rank them with industry front groups and cranks denying climate change. But they have a record whenever industrial pollutants are involved. Look at the ‘Journal”s commentary on acid rain, on the ozone layer, and on climate change. My thesis is that government is not, in fact, broken. It’s just listening to the wrong people, and it’s listening to all of this quiet influence. So it’s a very robust operation that operates kind of under the surface.
Mike Colter When I was playing Bishop, I would always walk on set thinking, ‘This is my show; this is a show all about me.’ – Mike Colter
Michael Medved Conservatives, despite their increasingly powerful presence on cable TV and talk radio, feel excluded and disregarded by the longstanding preponderance of liberal voices on public television. – Michael Medved
Chris Hughton What I have done in my management career means I would have a good chance to get offered a job that will give me a chance to achieve success again. – Chris Hughton
Nancy Sinatra I am the daughter of the Chairman of the Board and thus, was raised with great music. – Nancy Sinatra
Paul BergTechnology That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. – Paul Berg
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