Alice Oswald The sea has this contradictory quality, that the more you see of it, the more it overwhelms the eye and disappears in its own brightness. Like a flame, whose meaning is light but whose centre is dark, it demands to be undefined. – Alice Oswald Brightness Quotes Centre Quotes Contradictory Quotes Dark Quotes Demands Quotes Disappears Quotes Eye Quotes Flame Quotes Light Quotes Meaning Quotes Overwhelms Quotes Quality Quotes Sea Quotes Undefined Quotes It’s a relief to hear the rain. It’s the sound of billions of drops, all equal, all equally committed to falling, like a sudden outbreak of democracy. Water, when it hits the ground, instantly becomes a puddle or rivulet or flood. I have this exercise where I force myself to look out from the flower’s point of view at these great walloping humans coming down the path, and try, just try and feel it from their point of view because it’s a different world to them, a fascinating hard one.
Albert Bandura When I’m introduced at invited lectures at other universities, the students place a Bobo doll by the lectern. From time to time, I have been asked to autograph one. The Bobo doll has achieved stardom in psychological circles. – Albert Bandura
Lisa Madigan There were absolutely circumstances where Sallie Mae was working hand-in-hand with for-profit schools and other schools in offering and putting students into risky expensive subprime loans. – Lisa Madigan
Philip Yancey Much of the misgiving that Muslims feel for the West stems from our strong emphasis on freedom, always a risky enterprise. I’ve heard some say they would rather rear their children in a closely guarded Islamic society than in the United States, where freedom so often leads to decadence. – Philip Yancey
Penn Jillette If there are two things Penn & Teller stand for, it’s the truth & lying, although not necessarily in that order. – Penn Jillette
Andre Drummond Obviously, people give me their opinions of Dwane Casey and everything has been nothing but positive words about him – just the way he coaches, the way he is as a human being. From what I’ve heard, he’s a stand-up guy. – Andre Drummond
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