Edie Falco The second you are handed a newborn it is yours. It doesn’t matter what body it came out of. I’ve never felt more strongly about anything in my life. – Edie Falco Body Quotes Handed Quotes Life Quotes Matter Quotes Newborn Quotes Is it harder having kids and working? It definitely is, but the payoff is you get to go home to your kids, and it all balances out. And I know I’m a better mother when I’m engaged in something outside of the house. I sort of love reading the scripts and going, ‘Oh wow, what a great idea. I never would have thought of that.’
IndependenceJames Baldwin It is very nearly impossible… to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. – James Baldwin
James Toney Brock Lesnar is only the champion of the UFC. I’m the heavyweight champion of the world. – James Toney
Gary Paulsen I ran the Iditarod twice. I finished once. I came in 42nd or 43rd place out of 70 plus teams the first time, and I scratched 80 miles from Nome the second time. You can read about my experience in the race in my books ‘Woodsong’ and ‘Winterdance.’ – Gary Paulsen
Ahmed Chalabi The view that we hold in Iraq now is this – that democracy is associated with elections. I believe that elections are possible. – Ahmed Chalabi
Frank CarlucciIntelligence I can remember when I was National Security Adviser, the intelligence community told us… they put out an intelligence report saying that Iran would never back off from attacks on shipping in the Gulf if we use force. – Frank Carlucci
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