Graydon Carter The shelf life of a movie actor or actress is so short, it’s like milk. – Graydon Carter Actor Quotes Actress Quotes Life Quotes Milk Quotes Movie Quotes Shelf Quotes Short Quotes I think being Canadian helps you as a journalist in America, because you’re sort of on the outside watching this big party going on, and you’re sort of taking mental notes as it goes on. I think if you’re in the party the whole time, you don’t notice it as much. And I think Canadians are very good observers of American culture. I think Americans, more so than any other culture, love second and third acts.
PetSebastian Maniscalco One of my biggest pet peeves is when a guy’s wearing flip-flop sandals, which I don’t understand. Men’s feet are disgusting to begin with, but now they’re on display when I try to go out for a nice steak at a restaurant, and I have to sit there and look at some guy’s hoof? I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. – Sebastian Maniscalco
Aldous HuxleyTravel To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. – Aldous Huxley
Michael Eric Dyson My church is the world! I want to bring the gospel to as broad and as interesting an audience as possible. – Michael Eric Dyson
Christoph Waltz The fact that Facebook presents facial recognition programmes as a desirable development, well, that in itself is a decisive step toward fascism, as far as I’m concerned. – Christoph Waltz
Marie Helvin My sister Naomi and I always wanted to go to Tahiti. We planned a fantastic holiday to visit several islands, but at the last moment, Naomi cancelled. It was the first time I’d holidayed alone, and it was absolutely the best. – Marie Helvin
James Surowiecki The problem with venality in business is that getting outraged about it makes it easy to miss the systemic problems that venality often disguises. – James Surowiecki
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