Barry Ritholtz The simple reality of life is that everyone is wrong on a regular basis. By confronting these inevitable errors, you allow yourself to make corrections before it is too late. – Barry Ritholtz Basis Quotes Confronting Quotes Corrections Quotes Errors Quotes Inevitable Quotes Late Quotes Life Quotes Reality Quotes Regular Quotes Simple Quotes Wrong Quotes Forecasting is simply not a strength of the species; we are much better with tools and narrative storytelling. You want less of the annoying nonsense that interferes with your portfolios and more of the significant data that allow you to become a less distracted, more purposeful investor.
Anatole France Devout believers are safeguarded in a high degree against the risk of certain neurotic illnesses; their acceptance of the universal neurosis spares them the task of constructing a personal one. – Anatole France
Christopher Daniels There are times when you’ll be up in the spotlight at the very top of the show, and you get put back down in the mix because the company is trying to keep everybody fresh and interested, and one guy can’t be stuck at the top of the card forever. – Christopher Daniels
Hugh Masekela I’ve always stood on one fact – that all over the world, there are only two things, the Establishment and the poor people. The poor people are a massive majority and across the world they are exploited in different kinds of ways. The Establishment depends on exploiting raw materials and the poor. – Hugh Masekela
Jock Sturges I found myself serving a sentence of public denial from the very second the raid on my apartment happened. – Jock Sturges
Caleb McLaughlin I always grew up around music, my parents and their love of music. – Caleb McLaughlin
Bee Wilson The old injunction ‘Don’t talk with your mouth full’ is based on the presumption that, however multifunctional a mouth may be, it should only perform one job at a time. Humans have found a way around this limitation in the form of food writing. – Bee Wilson
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