Sayed Kashua The smell of onion is the most effective thing for relieving stinging eyes irritated by tear gas. – Sayed Kashua Effective Quotes Eyes Quotes Gas Quotes Irritated Quotes Onion Quotes Relieving Quotes Smell Quotes Stinging Quotes Tear Quotes I’m afraid of a gas leak, although I installed detectors. I’m afraid of a blown fuse that could cause a fire, and that’s why I don’t turn on electrical appliances at night. Thanksgiving is the only day of the year when most of the stores here are closed during the day and reopen after midnight. Even restaurants shut down for the holiday, except for the fast-food chains.
Kenneth Chenault Companies will need to pursue a more diversified business model, but I think those companies that have what I call a focused diversified business model will be more successful. – Kenneth Chenault
Lee Corso I was almost as famous at Indiana for my television shows as I was my coaching. That’s kind of embarrassing when you think about it. – Lee Corso
MomWendy Williams People have accused me of bleaching my skin, of getting a nose job. They squint at my mom, like, ‘I didn’t know Wendy was Asian.’ I am black all day, honey pie. I am black and very proud. – Wendy Williams
Candy Crowley People always used to say to me, ‘Don’t you want your own show? That’d be so cool if you had your own show.’ I said, ‘You know, it’s not gonna happen. So – no.’ – Candy Crowley
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