Dave Winfield The sooner I get into the Hall of Fame the better. – Dave Winfield Fame Quotes Hall Quotes Sooner Quotes The Yankees won the pennant, we went on to the World Series, 41 years after that in the city of Toronto. The great city of Toronto, and all the provinces in Canada, everybody reached out and they were excited because we won the first World Series ever, across the border. You have to be like a clock spring, wound but not loose at the same time.
Rodney Frelinghuysen I sent my personal check to the Planned Parenthood of Northern New Jersey. My wife and I do every year. – Rodney Frelinghuysen
Gustav Heinemann The time has come – and must come – for multilateral conversations about a secure peace in all of Europe. – Gustav Heinemann
Chey Tae-won SK will evolve and develop based on its corporate culture and human resources. – Chey Tae-won
Damon Albarn I was approached by Oxfam to go to Mali as their ambassador and get involved in their various initiatives out there. But I felt that was missing the point of using me, a musician. – Damon Albarn
Peter Diamandis If you have a fear of flying, don’t. The data are very clear: If you have to travel someplace, the safest way is by airplane. – Peter Diamandis
Gautam Rode Just working on a character and his mannerisms, but not looking the part, is not my thing. It is your duty as an actor to be honest to the character. – Gautam Rode
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