James Comey The spine of the FBI is the rule of law. The spine of the FBI is a commitment to doing the right thing, in the right way, while protecting civil liberties. – James Comey Civil Quotes Commitment Quotes Fbi Quotes Law Quotes Liberties Quotes Protecting Quotes Rule Quotes Spine Quotes As Director of the FBI, I am sworn to ensure that my special agents have what they need to protect themselves and the citizens of this country, and that they are trained to properly use and properly deploy that equipment in the right times and places. We in the FBI have created a malware repository and analysis tool known as the Binary Analysis Characterization and Storage System, or BACSS, which provides near real-time investigative information. BACSS helps us link malware in different jurisdictions and paint a picture of cyber threats worldwide.
Bob Stoops Sometimes you get in life something you don’t like… you have to do something different. – Bob Stoops
Eric Williams I played baseball, and that’s pretty much it. Basketball came late, this was, basketball was the sport that I tried to master, I kind of mastered baseball, so basketball was one of those things where I wanted to master this game, so that’s why I probably play it the way I do. – Eric Williams
John Sweeney America’s workers deserve a clean vote on a $7.25 increase, with no strings attached. Such an increase helps everyone and hurts no one. – John Sweeney
Dave Mustaine The guitar influence that affected my songwriting came from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. – Dave Mustaine
Bob Uecker We were on for six years. We were in syndication for a while. It had its run. I still see the people from ‘Mr. Belvedere,’ too. We stay in touch. – Bob Uecker
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