Paul Newman The star of oil and vinegar and the oil and vinegar of the stars. – Paul Newman Oil Quotes Star Quotes Stars Quotes Vinegar Quotes Who’s to say who’s an expert? Acting isn’t really a creative profession. It’s an interpretative one.
AngerMahira Khan Now I’ve come to a place where I believe that anger doesn’t really make me a better actor. – Mahira Khan
Bart Starr I grew up in a military family, so I liked being in an atmosphere where there was almost that feeling. – Bart Starr
Patricia McBride Mr. Balanchine wanted me to be myself. He didn’t want me to look like anyone else. I love teaching our company dancers the Balanchine ballets. I try to give them what was passed down to me and what I learned from him. They dance it so beautifully. It also keeps me close to Mr. Balanchine. He’s with me every single day. – Patricia McBride
Jena MaloneTeen There is a point in every young person’s life when you realize that the youth that you’ve progressed through and graduate to some sort of adulthood is equally as messed up as where you’re going. – Jena Malone
Julian Schnabel You know, painting has given me a lot of freedom, because for some reason, I’ve been able to paint things, organize things in a way that I see that don’t have any buffers or compromises in them. – Julian Schnabel
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