Derren Brown The Stoics appear during a huge time of constant wars and real political strife. And it became very popular, I think, because it’s a way of distancing yourself from strife and keeping your centre of gravity within you. – Derren Brown Centre Quotes Constant Quotes Distancing Quotes Gravity Quotes Huge Quotes Keeping Quotes Political Quotes Popular Quotes Real Quotes Stoics Quotes Strife Quotes Time Quotes Wars Quotes Magic, whether it’s mind magic or conjuring, is about the cheapest and quickest way of impressing people, and I think if you don’t grow out of that as a magician then it shows, and people get a bit sick of that after a while, because it starts to feel like posturing. So I grew out of it. I never really enjoy the thought of fancy dress.
Edward Ruscha I’m very stodgy. I’m always looking at old photos of California and Los Angeles, knowing that what I’m looking at is now full of houses. There used to be vacant lots in Los Angeles, now all taken up by three-storey boxes – it’s all getting infilled. – Edward Ruscha
Reid Scott Whether it’s soundtracking a moment in my life or just motivating me to hit the gym, I constantly have music playing. Even if it’s just in my head. – Reid Scott
Eric Stonestreet I’ve never lived in New York. I’ve never done a play off or on Broadway, so I think that’s in my future. Have that experience – get a little apartment in the city and grow a beard and walk around with earbuds in my ears, and a stocking cap and a big giant scarf. – Eric Stonestreet
Abbey Clancy Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi is just great. You get yourself in a hot bath to soften up your skin and then use this, and it really works. Plus, it’s so easy to do, and you don’t have to leave the house, so whenever you want to put sandals on, you don’t have to worry about going to the salon. – Abbey Clancy
Archie Panjabi The generation that migrated to the West in the 1970s or 1960s has now lived more in the West than India, and India has changed so much. My parents fall into that category. – Archie Panjabi
Hilary Swank I can remember crying on the set of Beverly Hills 90210 after being released from the show a few years ago. – Hilary Swank
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