Ridley Scott The story of ‘Prometheus’ is the idea that if you’re given a gift from the gods, do not abuse it, and do not think you can compete. – Ridley Scott Abuse Quotes Compete Quotes Gift Quotes Gods Quotes Idea Quotes Prometheus Quotes Story Quotes I watched Someone to Watch Over Me the other night. I thought it was a really good movie. It’s a great movie. I don’t ever blink, honestly.
Renee Fleming One of my timesaving habits is to save all of my magazines and junk mail for airplane trips. I walk on the plane with a very heavy bundle, but by the time the trip is over, it can all be thrown away. – Renee Fleming
Chris Kyle The Navy credits me with more kills as a sniper than any other American service member, past or present. – Chris Kyle
Ram Shriram I remember when AOL was small and they were growing like mad. Consumers were coming on in droves because they made it easy to connect to the Internet. That was the single biggest innovation of AOL; when grandmas were signing up, AOL had arrived. – Ram Shriram
Anne Burrell Not every chef is a yeller, but I have to say that even a chef who is not a yeller might have a time when that rule might get broken. – Anne Burrell
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