Brande Roderick The sun shines everywhere, not just at the beach. – Brande Roderick Beach Quotes Shines Quotes Sun Quotes I always wear SPF 30 sunscreen under my make-up, and I also wear a hat because taking care of my skin is important to me. That’s why I wanted to be part of this AIDS Project Los Angeles party. We help raise funds for those who are having a tough time with some very basic necessities, like shelter, food, and medical care.
Jorma Taccone MacGruber’ came to life mostly because we just liked saying ‘MacGyver.’ ‘MacGyver’ this. ‘MacGyver’ that. It’s a great word. – Jorma Taccone
FitnessJamal Crawford Whenever I retire, I’ll still be playing the game, whether that’s at an L.A. Fitness or somewhere else. – Jamal Crawford
Amanda Blake Don’t ever call the ‘bush’ the jungle. That marks you as a rank beginner. – Amanda Blake
Bill Rancic Had it not been for ‘The Apprentice’ and Donald Trump, I wouldn’t have met my wife through an interview with ‘E! News.’ – Bill Rancic
Max Charles I like the superhero comic books, and I like to see what the actors do creatively with the characters and how they bring these superheroes to life in the movies. – Max Charles
Katori Hall Like most playwrights, I hate talkbacks with a passion that can burn a hole through hell. – Katori Hall
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