Henry Kissinger The superpowers often behave like two heavily armed blind men feeling their way around a room, each believing himself in mortal peril from the other, whom he assumes to have perfect vision. – Henry Kissinger Armed Quotes Assumes Quotes Behave Quotes Believing Quotes Blind Quotes Feeling Quotes Heavily Quotes Mortal Quotes Perfect Quotes Peril Quotes Superpowers Quotes Vision Quotes The high probability is if American forces withdraw from Afghanistan and if no alternative international arrangement is made that then the historic contests between the regions and the sects will reappear, the Taliban will re-emerge, and a very complicated and maybe chaotic situation will develop. I don’t ascribe to myself any special competence in economic insight. I translate what I hear from highly intelligent people into political and philosophical propositions.
Geoff Mulgan All real capitalisms are impure hybrids, mongrels mixed with other strains. – Geoff Mulgan
Mike Thompson The income from sales now covers the expense of materials but I expect this to improve. – Mike Thompson
Jesse Eisenberg It’s so nerve-wracking to be on a set. They’re the most stressful place in the world, because you’re making something permanent, and there are so many people relying on you in a lot of ways. – Jesse Eisenberg
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