Ralph H Baer The talent curve in game-making is going straight up to Heaven. – Ralph H Baer Curve Quotes Gamemaking Quotes Heaven Quotes Straight Quotes Talent Quotes When you get to be over 80, your coordination goes to hell and a half. Perhaps at some time in the future, when you ask a friend to come up and look at your etchings, you will plug in your collection of video art.
EasterKeith O'Brien I know that many of you do wear such a cross of Christ, not in any ostentatious way, not in a way that might harm you at your work or recreation, but a simple indication that you value the role of Jesus Christ in the history of the world, that you are trying to live by Christ’s standards in your own daily life. – Keith O’Brien
Michael Enzi I used to be a retailer, and I find it discouraging when somebody comes in and they pick something up and they say, ‘Now if you’ll sell it to me without the sales tax, I’ll buy it.’ – Michael Enzi
Jonathan Groff I wish that I could take credit for the success of ‘Frozen’ and ‘Hamilton.’ But I just feel lucky to be in ’em. – Jonathan Groff
Jerry Brown The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs. – Jerry Brown
Chris Sununu Increasing patient access to more affordable, FDA-approved generic and biosimilar medicines is a proven and tested solution to lowering prescription drug costs. – Chris Sununu
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