Ed O'Brien The thing is, it really did take us too long to get these recordings done. We’ve had our rough times in the studio in the past, but after four weeks most of the material would have been recorded. This time it seemed like it just goes on and on. – Ed O’Brien Material Quotes Recorded Quotes Recordings Quotes Rough Quotes Studio Quotes Time Quotes Times Quotes Weeks Quotes There is always some universal proportion, but along with that there are some places where special things happen. Ireland, for example. I’ve always felt it’s interesting to play there. Maybe they just drink more than anybody else. Of the 25 songs we’ve recorded there were 24 that we wanted to have on an album. That wouldn’t have worked. So when one of our wise managers suggested the idea of considering two different album, it cleared the way for us.
Gilbert O'Sullivan When I started out I thought just hearing one of my records on the radio would be magical. Fortunately, that naivety has always stayed with me. Because when you’ve had massive success and it tapers off people lose interest in you. So you have to work even harder to generate interest. – Gilbert O’Sullivan
Glen Mazzara That’s the holy grail as a TV writer, to work on a story that you care about and to put it out there and for it to find the audience and connect with fans and connect with critics. – Glen Mazzara
Henning Mankell Africa was the most exotic place I could conceive of – the end of the world – and I knew I would go there one day. – Henning Mankell
Harold Nicholas If you were black, you experienced prejudice. It wasn’t a real horrible thing for us; we went through it. We noticed it mostly in the South and in Las Vegas, where we couldn’t stay in the hotels where we entertained. But that began to change. – Harold Nicholas
Mary Elizabeth Winstead I’m a fan of films in general; I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever considered myself specifically a horror fan even though I do enjoy horror films, find them really entertaining. – Mary Elizabeth Winstead
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