Ed O'Brien The thing is, it really did take us too long to get these recordings done. We’ve had our rough times in the studio in the past, but after four weeks most of the material would have been recorded. This time it seemed like it just goes on and on. – Ed O’Brien Material Quotes Recorded Quotes Recordings Quotes Rough Quotes Studio Quotes Time Quotes Times Quotes Weeks Quotes There is always some universal proportion, but along with that there are some places where special things happen. Ireland, for example. I’ve always felt it’s interesting to play there. Maybe they just drink more than anybody else. Of the 25 songs we’ve recorded there were 24 that we wanted to have on an album. That wouldn’t have worked. So when one of our wise managers suggested the idea of considering two different album, it cleared the way for us.
Daniel Handler When you start writing a picture book, you have to write a manuscript that has enough language to prompt the illustrator to get his or her gears running, but then you end up having to cut it out because you don’t want any of the language to be redundant to the pictures that are being drawn. – Daniel Handler
Steve Buscemi I was going to buy a van and move to LA so I could secretly pursue acting without any of my friends knowing. – Steve Buscemi
Barbara Jordan We must exchange the philosophy of excuse – what I am is beyond my control for the philosophy of responsibility. – Barbara Jordan
ArtBestFrank Stella No art is any good unless you can feel how it’s put together. By and large it’s the eye, the hand and if it’s any good, you feel the body. Most of the best stuff seems to be a complete gesture, the totality of the artist’s body; you can really lean on it. – Frank Stella
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