BeautyMike Budenholzer The thing Pop did for me and did for a lot of coaches is – he let me coach. It seems really simple, and that’s the beauty of being with Pop and being around Pop. – Mike Budenholzer Beauty Quotes Coach Quotes Coaches Quotes Lot Quotes Pop Quotes Simple Quotes To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless. I think something I explore a little bit in my music is how there’s this majestic, natural beauty in the Pacific Northwest, but also this kind of underlying eeriness.
Ben Howard In England, it’s usually cold. So surfing is more of an adventure where you’re floating around in a big, dark, stormy sea rather than the California notion of girls in bikinis on beaches. It’s really going into the fray. I like it because it gives you the extra time and space you need to think. – Ben Howard
Brie Larson Whenever you want something that you’re not going to get, suddenly the whiney 3-year-old comes out in you. – Brie Larson
Eric Garcetti I don’t want to bring a European city or an east-coast city to the West Coast. – Eric Garcetti
Jean Paul Gaultier The shock of the way I mix patterns and fabrics can be disconcerting, but what I am trying to do is provoke new ideas about how pieces can be put together in different ways. I think this is a more modern way to wear clothes that in themselves are fairly classic. – Jean Paul Gaultier
Al Franken Yeah, but you need an experienced radio veteran who is a liberal advocate. And there just hadn’t been any radio that did that. And so they weren’t trained – they had developed all these bad habits of being objective and balanced and stuff like that. – Al Franken
Marc Veasey There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud during the 2016 elections or any relatively recent election. – Marc Veasey
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