Christopher Wylie The things that I was building on originally for the defense of our democracies had been completely inverted to really, in my view, attack our democracies. – Christopher Wylie Attack Quotes Building Quotes Completely Quotes Defense Quotes Democracies Quotes Inverted Quotes Originally Quotes View Quotes We have a completely unregulated digital landscape. There is almost no oversight. We are placing blind trust in companies like Facebook to do the honorable and decent thing. Different kinds of people have different motivations for filling out surveys. Sometimes you would have a group of people who just would fill it out because they’re bored, and they don’t have anything to do. Or they would just genuinely want to know what is their personality.
Duncan Jones It felt very fresh to me, and it feels very contemporary – this idea that conflict’s not being about good and evil and not necessarily being black and white. If you dig deep enough, you’ll often find that people do things because they feel that they have to as opposed to because they are evil. – Duncan Jones
Garfield Sobers I only played to the best of my ability and with passion. Call it what you will. – Garfield Sobers
Alissa Quart While more people are working later in life because of happy things like longer life expectancy, they are also doing so because of very sad things, like a lack of Social Security benefits or retirement plans. – Alissa Quart
Leonard Lauder You are only as successful as the people who work for you want you to be. – Leonard Lauder
Catherine Ashton I was the first woman British commissioner, the first woman trade commissioner, so I am also proud to be the first woman High Representative. – Catherine Ashton
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