George Montgomery The toughest workout can never match the pain of being out of work. – George Montgomery Match Quotes Pain Quotes Toughest Quotes Workout Quotes I began drinking alcohol at the age of thirteen and gave it up in my fifty sixth year; it was like going straight from puberty to a mid-life crisis.
Richard O'Brien I paid my dues at drama school and worked backstage in every Theatre in London. – Richard O’Brien
John Lahr Although the ‘New York Times’ annually declares that Broadway is on its deathbed, news of its demise is greatly exaggerated. There’s a lot of life yet in the old tart. – John Lahr
Patrick Macnee These things don’t just come, arrive and settle like a bird picking up a few bits of crumbs. They develop. I think the best word for these things is develop. They develop because of the human beings who just happen to be there at the time. – Patrick Macnee
Madeleine Albright The difference between humans and other mammals is that we know how to accessorize. – Madeleine Albright
Roger Sherman Let us live no more to ourselves, but to Him who loved us, and gave Himself to die for us. – Roger Sherman
Michelle Carter Rio has been absolutely epic. I did leave my heart out there, and I wanted to do everybody proud. – Michelle Carter
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