Nikki Glaser The transgender bathroom thing – it’s just so obvious that people are scared of what they don’t understand. It’s like, ‘I don’t want to deal with the fact that some people might have been born in the wrong body.’ – Nikki Glaser Bathroom Quotes Body Quotes Born Quotes Deal Quotes Obvious Quotes People Quotes Scared Quotes Transgender Quotes Understand Quotes Wrong Quotes Why am I sharing this part of my life when it opens me up to judgment? But part of me wants to share that part of my life because I think non-monogamy is a normal thing for human beings to want. Jimmy Fallon’s strengths are that he’s fun, and he’s good at impressions, and he’s musically inclined. And my strength is that I’m a joke writer, but I also have no filter, and I think that that’s not a talent per se, but it’s just a thing about myself that I have found that people like about what I do.
Lil B If the white folks feel America is great for everybody, I don’t want to change what they love. All I want is to bring my love and respect in the areas of law, policy, business, and banking. That’s what I do when I do my extremely rare lectures at universities. – Lil B
Sable In wrestling, you need to be physically fit and appearance is very important. Someone who is not aware of this is clearly in the wrong business. – Sable
Linda Colley Any kind of new U.K. federal system would almost certainly demand the creation of a written constitution. Properly drafted, such a document could, among many things, pin down more effectively the proper dimensions of prime ministerial power. – Linda Colley
Montesquieu I have always observed that to succeed in the world one should appear like a fool but be wise. – Montesquieu
Katie Melua The thing about doing gigs is you make music, and then it is gone and that is being watched by thousands of people. – Katie Melua
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