Algernon Sidney The truth is, man is hereunto led by reason which is his nature. – Algernon Sidney Hereunto Quotes Led Quotes Nature Quotes Reason Quotes Truth Quotes A general presumption that Icings will govern well, is not a sufficient security to the People… those who subjected themselves to the will of a man were governed by a beast. This submission is a restraint of liberty, but could be of no effect as to the good intended, unless it were general; nor general, unless it were natural.
James Patterson People like to talk more than they like to act. They like to sit there and complain and vent. Somehow they think that changes things, when it doesn’t. – James Patterson
Sigmund FreudTime Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock. – Sigmund Freud
Brittany Murphy I’d do almost anything for love, within safe boundaries. I’ve flown to places to surprise people, even if it was just for a day. I think it’s so important to keep the romance alive and make sure the fun and spontaneity are there. – Brittany Murphy
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Eastern Washington has experienced a number of deadly forest fires this season, and it is crucial that we have bipartisan legislation that will expedite the research and restoration process. – Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Brion James I’m a character actor, so I don’t take the hit if the movie’s bad, the lead does. So, I don’t want to be the lead. He takes the hit, I don’t. – Brion James
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