Robert Englund The truth of it is when you get an audience to laugh and camp along with you, it’s much easier to scare ’em again because they’re using two sides of their emotions. It’s much easier to set them up for a good cheap thrill scare again. – Robert Englund Audience Quotes Camp Quotes Cheap Quotes Easier Quotes Em Quotes Emotions Quotes Laugh Quotes Scare Quotes Set Quotes Thrill Quotes Truth Quotes I sat in the barber’s chair in David Miller’s makeup shop, hours and hours of trial and error. While David poked at me with his crusty brushes, I grew more and more profane. That’s how I started to find the voice of Freddy. I’m scared by the enormous amount of bottled water being consumed today, instead of people drinking filtered tap water. Did you know that nearly 90 percent of those plastic bottles are not recycled and wind up in landfills where it takes thousands of years for the plastic to decompose?
Bobby Riggs Ali reversed the decision in a second fight with Joe Frazier. That’s what would happen if I played Billie Jean again. – Bobby Riggs
John Bolton I think that, especially among conservatives, there’s a clear understanding that there are three legs to the conservative stool. There are the free-market economics conservatives, the social conservatives, and the national-security conservatives. – John Bolton
Michael Spence Globalization has redefined the competition for employment and incomes in the United States. Tradeoffs will have to be made between the two. – Michael Spence
Ricochet One of my strong suits is finding and creating transitions between moves, then stringing combinations into series. – Ricochet
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