Miroslav Lajcak The U.N. was created for people. – Miroslav Lajcak Created Quotes People Quotes We need to address significant funding gaps when it comes to implementing the SDGs. When my country was born, many people were sceptical about the chances for us to exist, let alone prosper.
Don King Only in America can a Barack Obama happen. Only in America can a Don King happen. – Don King
Pardis Sabeti Unlike some viruses, we don’t know what the natural reservoir is for Ebola. A lot of people think it’s bats, but it’s still very controversial; it could have been circulating in insects, in an environment, or in individuals. – Pardis Sabeti
Israel Adesanya I know what I bring to the table, I know my work. That’s why I’m able to push for what I want. – Israel Adesanya
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