Sean O'Malley The UFC needs a champion like me. – Sean O’Malley Champion Quotes Ufc Quotes Yeah, my speed is definitely my biggest advantage, I’d say. I feel like I’m good at always just being myself.
Neil Bush China is not ruled by a monolithic regime where one guy makes the decisions without regard to the sentiments of other leaders or care and concern for the people. – Neil Bush
Cesar ChavezStrength From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength. – Cesar Chavez
Najib Razak In any society, there will be the whole spectrum of views. You will get the extremists on the far right and also the far left. – Najib Razak
Meg Whitman You know, I think, people of all stripes in California, Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, frankly, as I have traveled the state, the number one issue is jobs. And they are looking for which candidate can get the economy back on track. – Meg Whitman
Ben Nicholas My first scene was a streaking scene, I had to streak at a footy game, that’s how I get introduced. – Ben Nicholas
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