Eliza Haywood The Unhappy may, possibly, by indulging Thought, hit on some lucky Stratagem for the Relief of his Misfortunes, and the Happy may be infinitely more so by contemplating on his Condition. – Eliza Haywood Condition Quotes Contemplating Quotes Happy Quotes Hit Quotes Indulging Quotes Infinitely Quotes Lucky Quotes Misfortunes Quotes Relief Quotes Stratagem Quotes Unhappy Quotes There is one Quality, which has somewhat so heavenly in it; that by so much the more we are possess’d of it, by so much the more we draw nearer to the Great Author of Nature. Of all the Beauties, it is that which attracts the most lasting Admiration, gives the greatest Charm to every thing we say or do, and renders us amiable in every Station, and thro’ every Stage of Life.
Joel FuhrmanMedical In the future, it’s going to become more and more impossible for the economy to support how expensive medical care is and the number of sick people we have. Why don’t we just get our population healthier so we don’t need medical care? – Joel Fuhrman
Jed Mercurio I love to do things that kind of mess with the movie formula that you can always find the right place to park; you’ve always got a phone signal. And I think audiences really respond to the limitations of real life when they intrude on drama. – Jed Mercurio
Lloyd Alexander King Arthur was one of my heroes – I played with a trash can lid for a knightly shield and my uncle’s cane for the sword Excalibur. – Lloyd Alexander
Tadao Ando People tend not to use this word beauty because it’s not intellectual – but there has to be an overlap between beauty and intellect. – Tadao Ando
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