John Warner The very heart of being a sovereign nation is providing security of one’s borders, of one’s internal situation, and security against anyone attacking one’s nation. That is the very heart of what I believe is sovereignty. – John Warner Attacking Quotes Borders Quotes Heart Quotes Internal Quotes Nation Quotes Providing Quotes Security Quotes Situation Quotes Sovereign Quotes Sovereignty Quotes I am outraged that a House member has tried through this provision to breach the traditional confidentiality of individual Americans’ tax returns. There is no reason for this measure, and this last-minute act violates all principles of judgment and common sense. Tragically, the effort to make America and the world safer and to defend freedom around the world is not without an enormous cost to this Nation in terms primarily of lost lives and those who bear the scars and the wounds of war, and their families who must bear these losses.
Jesse Eisenberg I’ve never had tastes of people my own age. All of my friends when I was 15 were in their 40s. I’m not actually mature, just very self-conscious around people my own age because I feel like I’m supposed to act the same way they act and I don’t know how. – Jesse Eisenberg
Mahesh Manjrekar Slumdog Millionaire’ was as good or as bad any Bollywood film. If I had to rate it, I would give it just 5.5 points out of 10. Unlike others, I am not gung-ho about the film winning so many Oscars. Yes, I am happy that I was a part of the project, but I am yet to figure out why it got so many Oscars. – Mahesh Manjrekar
Kevin Owens People ask me how I am such a good heel, but I don’t know; I just try to be me and go and do what I need to do to get the job done on any show that I am on and achieve the work that is set up in front of me. – Kevin Owens
DesignRisa Lavizzo-Mourey Unlike traditional nursing homes, Green House homes provide elders with a high quality of life and quality of care in a setting that feels like a real home. By altering the facility size, interior design, staffing patterns and service-delivery method, the Green House model provides residents better, safer and more personalized care. – Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
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