Andrew Bird The way I work, I’m not a confessional singer-songwriter. – Andrew Bird Confessional Quotes Singersongwriter Quotes The problem is, when you’re working with orchestras, you only get the orchestra for about two hours before the performance to pull it all together, and that doesn’t sound like a real collaboration. I am, in some sense, a writer. Even though I kinda downplay the word thing, I do enjoy writing sometimes.
DatingTaylor Tomlinson That’s the thing that’s so messed up about dating, is that you start hearing all these stories about how nuts their ex-girlfriend or -boyfriend or whoever was, and the longer that you date the more relatable those stories become – the more you realize it’s just their account, and it’s not necessarily what actually transpired. – Taylor Tomlinson
Sam Gyimah The Tory Party only talks to Brexiteers. It almost demonises… It comes across as dismissive of those who are not. – Sam Gyimah
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