Matt Haig The weirdest thing about a mind is that you can have the most intense things going on in there, but no one else can see them. – Matt Haig Intense Quotes Mind Quotes Weirdest Quotes Teenagers watch and listen to all kinds of things. It is the nature of being a teenager to seek out intense stuff. Stuff about death and sex and love and fear. Teenagers are the bravest, most curious, most philosophical, most open-minded readers there are, which is why so many less-than-young adults like writing for them. Human brains – in terms of cognition and emotion and consciousness – are essentially the same as they were at the time of Shakespeare or Jesus or Cleopatra or the Stone Age. They are not evolving with the pace of change.
Bram Stoker There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part. – Bram Stoker
Floyd Skloot Flannery O’Connor’s brief life and slim output were nonetheless marked by piercing powers of observation. – Floyd Skloot
Mickey Spillane I know an awful lot of Hollywood people, who are so self-important, I can’t understand it. – Mickey Spillane
Jens Martin Skibsted Time hygiene is about finding more time for ourselves: to think, to do what we like. – Jens Martin Skibsted
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