Aleister Black The whole Aleister Black character is a creation of my influences, Triple H and NXT, and everyone combined. – Aleister Black Aleister Quotes Black Quotes Character Quotes Combined Quotes Creation Quotes Influences Quotes Nxt Quotes Triple Quotes I had a very hard-working father and a very hard-working mother. My dad was someone that would get up at 5 in the morning and work ’til 4 in the afternoon and then had a hobby he made money with. After he’d get home, he’d have a meal and have a drink and then flow right into that, trying to provide. I think professional wrestling will always be a reflection of how society is.
Dylan Thomas Whatever talents I possess may suddenly diminish or suddenly increase. I can with ease become an ordinary fool. I may be one now. But it doesn’t do to upset one’s own vanity. – Dylan Thomas
Fred G Gosman Taking a child to the toy store is the nearest thing to a death wish parents can have. – Fred G Gosman
Joshua Henry I think it’s nice when you come into the room and the director has a plan, a vision of exactly what he or she wants the piece to be. Because when that happens, then you feel safe. You feel safe to make choices and to do something big and just fly because there’s a structure around you. – Joshua Henry
Rami Malek I have to extend my admiration and respect for Sam Esmail, who is a visionary with what he’s done with ‘Mr. Robot,’ and this brilliant resurgence of Christian Slater only helped us get where we are today – very talented individual. – Rami Malek
Christopher Lasch The intellectual debility of contemporary conservatism is indicated by its silence on all important matters. – Christopher Lasch
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