Maimonides The whole object of the Prophets and the Sages was to declare that a limit is set to human reason where it must halt. – Maimonides Declare Quotes Halt Quotes Human Quotes Limit Quotes Object Quotes Prophets Quotes Reason Quotes Sages Quotes Set Quotes However great the exertion of our mind may be to comprehend the Divine Being or any of the ideals, we find a screen and partition between Him and ourselves. Thus the prophets frequently hint at the existence of a partition between God and us. It is thus necessary to examine all things according to their essence, to infer from every species such true and well established propositions as may assist us in the solution of metaphysical problems.
James Payn The idea of bringing young people up to Literature is doubtless calculated to raise the eyebrows almost as much as the suggestion of bringing them up to the Stage. – James Payn
Natasia Demetriou I was obsessed with ‘Twilight.’ I love the very, very serious drama of Bella and Edward. They were the most serious people in the world, with the worst senses of humor. – Natasia Demetriou
Chris Gayle I am committed to whatever cricket I play. Once I step across the line I am 100 percent committed – it doesn’t matter what kind of cricket we play. – Chris Gayle
Jack Canfield Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them. – Jack Canfield
Andy Grammer Even a song like ‘Give Love,’ in my head, there’s a question as I’m writing it, going, ‘Is this cheesy? Is it too on the nose to say ‘give love?” – Andy Grammer
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