Elena Vesnina The Williams sisters, they have this power. They have this ability to come back from nowhere. – Elena Vesnina Ability Quotes Power Quotes Sisters Quotes Williams Quotes For me it was just important to play my game and believe until the end. Even now, Venus is not in the top 10, but you can still feel she can be back again.
FamilyGovernmentJeb Hensarling We cannot watch another family lose everything – risking their lives and the lives of the first responders sent to rescue them – because the flood insurance program’s seal of government approval fooled them into thinking they were safe. That’s more than wrong: it’s immoral. – Jeb Hensarling
Guy Standing Successive governments in the U.K. have worked to create a more flexible labour market, which also meant labour insecurity. They allowed wages to drop and non-wage benefits to shrivel, creating worse inequality than statistics reveal. – Guy Standing
Ne-Yo Prince is the ultimate performer. Prince is that dude that’s going to get on stage by himself, if he need to, but hold you in the palm of his hand. Like, you can’t take your eyes off the man when he’s on stage, and he could just be sitting there playing his guitar. – Ne-Yo
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