Lao Tzu The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own. – Lao Tzu Lay Quotes Treasures Quotes Wise Quotes He who is contented is rich. Man’s enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself.
Megan Amram The enemy of the modern woman is not women who like fashion or are writing about it. The enemy is stereotypes that come from all places and that tell you to be one way or the other. The enemy is really real sexist people, like Todd Akin, and people who are violent against women physically or sexually. – Megan Amram
Elodie Yung I never do things fearing I could do right or wrong. I just do it because I just follow my guts. This is really how I did it for ‘Elektra’ because I was just amazed by all the comics. I was good for me to get inspired by them, and I just follow my guts for the rest. – Elodie Yung
John Stamos Every couple years, you know, these great things drop in my lap. It’s been fantastic. – John Stamos
Arlo Parks I guess I want to be a voice for the kid. I mean, it sounds quite contrived, but I want to make music that I would have wanted to hear when I was 14. – Arlo Parks
Morley Callaghan I know it may sound silly, but I think my short stories have a life and identity of their own. They crop up in all sorts of places. – Morley Callaghan
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