Pliny the Elder The world and that which, by another name, men have thought good to call Heaven (under the compass of which all things are covered), we ought to believe, in all reason, to be a divine power, eternal, immense, without beginning, and never to perish. – Pliny the Elder Compass Quotes Covered Quotes Divine Quotes Eternal Quotes Heaven Quotes Immense Quotes Perish Quotes Power Quotes Reason Quotes Truth comes out in wine. Our forefathers regarded as a prodigy the passage of the Alps: first by Hannibal and, more recently, by the Cimbri; but at the present day, these very mountains are cut asunder to yield us a thousand different marbles; promontories are thrown open to the sea; and the face of Nature is being everywhere reduced to a level.
Enzo Amore I’m so glad I got an opportunity to meet Shawn Michaels, because he didn’t let any of my expectations down. He’s the coolest guy ever. – Enzo Amore
Neil Robertson Being world No 1 would be fantastic but you’d like to do it by finishing the year as No 1 without anything happening off the table to someone else’s ranking. – Neil Robertson
Ian Rankin I would have loved to have been a rock n’ roll star. But none of us was musical, and none of us had any instruments. – Ian Rankin
Doug McMillon My first job with Walmart was unloading trucks in a warehouse. Then I worked as an assistant manager in a store, and I was lucky enough to get into our buyer-training program. I loved merchandising and had a career path that led me through Sam’s Club and Walmart International. – Doug McMillon
Douglas Wilder Since the heady days of the 2009 Inauguration, middle-class independents have grown increasingly distant from Obama. Working-class voters – always more enamored of Clinton – have grown even more wary and distrustful of the Chicagoan. Both voting blocs pose the danger of serious defection in 2012. Without their support, Obama cannot win. – Douglas Wilder
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