Susan George The World Development Movement, to take just one example, is doing good work. Some political parties are, too. – Susan George Development Quotes Movement Quotes Parties Quotes Political Quotes If the economy becomes disembodied from society it can only lead to disaster. This erosion of the middle class is happening all over the place. The opening of a wider gap between rich and poor is always accompanied by such a process.
Kathy Reichs My first book was the most successful debut novel in the U.K. ever and every one of my books has reached number one in the U.K. Clearly the British know brilliance when they see it. – Kathy Reichs
Kevin Gates I put my flaws on front street. So the world accepted my flaws, so I don’t have any flaws. – Kevin Gates
Grace Meng Being the only Asian-American in the State Legislature, I’ve had no choice but to reach across the aisle. – Grace Meng
Pearl S Buck Chinese are wise in comprehending without many words what is inevitable and inescapable and therefore only to be borne. – Pearl S Buck
Sampha I kind of make music where and when I can, and I guess that’s why I collaborate so much. – Sampha
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