Óscar Arias The world does not lack the financial resources to feed, educate and clothe its inhabitants. Rather, it lacks leaders committed to addressing the problems of the impoverished. – Óscar Arias Addressing Quotes Clothe Quotes Committed Quotes Educate Quotes Feed Quotes Financial Quotes Impoverished Quotes Inhabitants Quotes Lack Quotes Lacks Quotes Leaders Quotes Resources Quotes Many developing countries continue to be burdened by high percentages of their population living in poverty. Yet, instead of addressing this root cause of conflict, many states, ironically, increase their military might in order to control increasingly desperate populations. In a democracy, a leader must be the head teacher, someone eager to respond to doubts and questions and explain the need for and the benefits of a new course.
Julie Christie I’m not in the advertising business, but I think it would be very nice if people went to see the film Hamlet, because it was made with love and integrity. – Julie Christie
Reiss Nelson For me, it’s just about playing – getting the game time you need to prove to everyone you can play at that high level. – Reiss Nelson
Mike O'Malley The reason I’m a writer is to understand other people and myself more. The reason I’m a writer is to dramatize stories about human beings so that it improves my life. So that’s a very selfish thing. – Mike O’Malley
LoveRumi I have no companion but Love, no beginning, no end, no dawn. The Soul calls from within me: ‘You, ignorant of the way of Love, set Me free.’ – Rumi
Frank Sinatra Jr Jimmy Van Heusen was a top security test pilot in World War II as well as being a great songwriter. He was absolutely incredible. Van Heusen inspired me to write music. – Frank Sinatra Jr
Fuzzy Zoeller Everybody saying you can’t do this, you can’t do that. I don’t know why. Guess if you listen to it, you can convince yourself of it. – Fuzzy Zoeller
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