Olga Tokarczuk The world is a fabric we weave daily on the great looms of information, discussions, films, books, gossip, little anecdotes. – Olga Tokarczuk Anecdotes Quotes Books Quotes Daily Quotes Discussions Quotes Fabric Quotes Films Quotes Gossip Quotes Looms Quotes Weave Quotes How we think about the world and – perhaps even more importantly – how we narrate it have a massive significance, therefore, a thing that happens and is not told ceases to exist and perishes. The first photograph I ever experienced consciously is a picture of my mother from before she gave birth to me. Unfortunately, it’s a black-and-white photograph, which means that many of the details have been lost, turning into nothing but gray shapes.
John Berger In drawing after drawing, pastel after pastel, painting after painting, the contours of Degas’s dancing figures become, at a certain point, darkly insistent, tangled and dusky. It may be around an elbow, a heel, an armpit, a calf muscle, the nape of a neck. – John Berger
Connor Franta I would love to continue working behind the scenes in music – to produce and manage up-and-coming musical talent would be a dream! – Connor Franta
FamousKelly Slater Most of what Hawaii has to offer is no secret. Pipeline is probably the most famous wave in the world. – Kelly Slater
GovernmentMaxime Bernier In reality, every time the government takes an additional dollar in taxes out of someone’s pocket, it’s a dollar that person will not be able to spend or invest. When government spending goes up, private spending goes down. There is no net effect. No wealth creation. – Maxime Bernier
Henry Selick I think stop-motion has always been semi-obsolete. And stop-motion animators – people like myself – love it so much that we’re always going to be looking for new ways to make our films. – Henry Selick
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