Crown Princess of DenmarkMary The world is so different for a child, waking in the mornings, wide-eyed and ready to take it all in. – Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark Child Quotes Mary Quotes Mornings Quotes Ready Quotes Waking Quotes Wideeyed Quotes Naturally, I do things my own way but I’m certainly influenced by my mother’s way of doing things. That boundless freedom of childhood is so wonderful.
George Whitefield And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you? – George Whitefield
John Leguizamo Imagine if Lin-Manuel Miranda had tried to do ‘Hamilton’ first in Hollywood. They would have told him, ‘The forefathers weren’t Latino or black. They didn’t speak in hip hop.’ That would never had gotten going in Hollywood ever. But theater let Lin-Manuel him do it, and he created an incredible masterpiece. – John Leguizamo
Ronald Acuna Jr I’ve always admired Jose Reyes and the way he plays. To be honest I’ve tried to emulate a little bit of the way he goes about his business, whether it’s the way he has fun on the field or just the way he does thing. – Ronald Acuna Jr
Ahmed Ben Bella Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries – like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain – to occupy countries outside of Europe. – Ahmed Ben Bella
Anna Seward To what derision should I be exposed from a thousand quarters!- An unlearned female entering the lists of criticism against the mighty Johnson! – Anna Seward
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