John le Carre The world of spying is my genre. My struggle is to demystify, to de-romanticise the spook world, but at the same time harness it as a good story. – John le Carre Demystify Quotes Deromanticise Quotes Genre Quotes Harness Quotes Spook Quotes Spying Quotes Story Quotes Struggle Quotes Time Quotes You have no idea how humiliating it was, as a boy, to suddenly have all your clothes, your toys, snatched by the bailiff. I mean we were a middle-class family, it’s not as if it was happening up and down the street. It made me ashamed, I felt dirty. Fools, most linguists. Damn all to say in one language, so they learn another and say damn all in that.
Katherine Jenkins When I did ‘Dancing with the Stars’ I did lose an awful lot of weight and I think at the time everybody was sort of alarmed by it. You can eat anything and it is still dropping off you when you are doing that amount of exercise. – Katherine Jenkins
Joan Blondell I don’t know what the secret to longevity as an actress is. It’s more than talent and beauty. Maybe it’s the audience seeing itself in you. – Joan Blondell
Joel Glazer When I look at the pictures on my wall of San Diego or pop in highlight tapes of the Super Bowl, I’m reminded of where I want to be. – Joel Glazer
ArtNawal El SaadawiScience To be creative means to connect. It’s to abolish the gap between the body, the mind and the soul, between science and art, between fiction and nonfiction. – Nawal El Saadawi
Jim Harrison Naturally we would prefer seven epiphanies a day and an earth not so apparently devoid of angels. – Jim Harrison
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