Jon Ronson The world outside Twitter was great. I read books. I reconnected with people I knew from real life and met them for drinks in person. Then I drifted back on to Twitter. – Jon Ronson Books Quotes Drifted Quotes Drinks Quotes Life Quotes Met Quotes People Quotes Person Quotes Read Quotes Real Quotes Reconnected Quotes Twitter Quotes Shaming is powerful and useful. I’m living in New York, and my instinct is that, after the Black Lives Matter protests, which were organized on social media, the chance of there being another Eric Garner, choked to death in New York by an NYPD officer, has diminished. I consider myself a social justice person.
Richard Dreyfuss We mistake politics for legislative debate. You can be passionate without being personal. – Richard Dreyfuss
Leah Remini I loved ‘King of Queens’… You can’t spend that amount of time somewhere and not pick that as your favorite. – Leah Remini
Abraham Joshua Heschel God is not a hypothesis derived from logical assumptions, but an immediate insight, self-evident as light. He is not something to be sought in the darkness with the light of reason. He is the light. – Abraham Joshua Heschel
Janet Montgomery I just want that sensation you have in dreams when you fly to be real. – Janet Montgomery
LearningMiyavi My philosophy is my learning process. Until you die, you must evolve and improve. – Miyavi
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