Tadashi Yanai The world’s major metropolitan cities are more or less the same. – Tadashi Yanai Cities Quotes Major Quotes Metropolitan Quotes Worlds Quotes Politicians make decisions in favor of their interest groups or their supporters back in their hometowns. I’m afraid Japanese people tend to collective hysteria.
Bruce Springsteen The wonderful thing about rock music is even if you hate the other person, sometimes you need him more, you know. In other words if he’s the guy that made that sound, he’s the guy that made that sound, and without that guy making that sound, you don’t have a band, you know. – Bruce Springsteen
Rachel Morrison The theatrical experience is also a communal one. When people saw ‘Fruitvale’ in the theater, there was not a dry eye at the end of the movie, and you would look to your neighbor and have this shared moment together that had a real weight behind it. – Rachel Morrison
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