Domhnall Gleeson The worst thing as an actor is when you’re not getting opportunities to try and show what you can do; the best thing is when you get material that really lets you express something and that you’re excited about. – Domhnall Gleeson Actor Quotes Excited Quotes Express Quotes Material Quotes Opportunities Quotes Worst Quotes Just because I’m doing ‘Star Wars’ doesn’t mean that’ll be the thing that makes people stop me in the street. I’m certainly a young actor. I’m certainly those two things. Actually, I’m not even young anymore; I’m 29. So, I’m an actor.
Richard Painter I grew up in Illinois, went out east to school, and went back to Illinois to teach… Illinois is a great state for ethics. – Richard Painter
Natalya Neidhart For many years prior to landing my big break with WWE, I learned a lot about uphill battles. I had to scratch and claw day after day for a really big dream that, at many times, seemed totally impossible. – Natalya Neidhart
Jack Wild I guess I’ll go to my grave as the Dodger, but at least I’ve made my mark on show-business history. – Jack Wild
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